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Manifest The Life You Deserve

All New Workshop with Amy Rubin

January 22, 2023

1:00pm - 3:15pm

What would you ask from the universe if you knew it could be yours? Believe it or not we all have the power to manifest anything we can imagine.


Whether you’re ready to enhance your happiness and well-being or want to ensure that 2023 is the best year yet, Amy Rubin will show you how to get it done!


What’s included:

Customized handmade crystal Manifestlet, manifesting barrel diffuser mala bracelet, [$30 value]


A powerful practice to gain clarity about what you truly want and need.


Techniques that can be used to raise your vibration and activate your success mindset.


Discover simple ways to set your intentions and become the creator of your own life worth living.


Handouts will also be provided so you are able to continue these practices at home.

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About Amy

Amy Rubin, a stressed out teacher turned educational mindfulness consultant. Amy is the founder of and the creator of a brand of intention and diffuser wear called ManifestLETS. By day, she supports students and teachers to grow their academic wellness toolkit for life-long success. By passion, she makes and sells wearable reminders to empower humans of all ages with the hope and courage they need to be their best. Her mission, both personally and professionally, is to grow compassion and resilience from the inside out! 

Visit or to learn more. 

Reserve Your Ticket Today!

Investment: $60.00

Pre-registration is required! Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. 

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